Our Universe is composed of millions of galaxies. Among them 'Milky Way' is the one in which our solar system exists. Our solar system is a group of celestial bodies including sun, planets, moons and asteroids. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the planets in our solar system and the planet Pluto has been recently kicked out from the system.
In fact, our solar system is a very very little part of Milky Way Galaxy and it is true that there are millions and millions of other solar systems also existing in our Great Galaxy. Though it can be assumed as a very small part when comparing with the size of our universe and galaxy, our solar system is still beyond our imagination and no one can easily imagine how much it is spacious . For instance, we can not easily imagine the distance between the outer most planet and sun that is around 455 crores Km.
Let us see How our Solar System was created by the Super Nature
Billions and billions of years ago each and every thing in our great universe, galaxy and energy of observable Universe had been concentrated in one point of infinite density. According to Big Bang Theory, our Universe is expanding till today from that infinite state of density and it's understood that space is expanding itself with galaxies.

Sun is the absolute center part of the solar system and it comprises about 99% of the total mass of the solar system. It is about 1.3 million times greater than our earth by volume and has a diameter of 1.39*10^6 km. This is mostly composed of Hydrogen and Helium atoms. The light and heat energy in our sun is produced by the nuclear fusion. In this phenomena two Hydrogen atoms are combining together in extreme temperature and pressure to form one Helium atom. The loss of mass in this process is converted to heat and light energy. It is really amazing that every pair of Hydrogen atoms requires millions and millions of years to get succcesfully formed as one Helium atom. This could happen only in the center part of the Sun which externds upto 25% of radius from the center since the process requires very high temperature around 1.5 crore degree celcious. Besides being the source of light and heat energy, the sun attracts all the planets in the system and makes them revolve on their respective orbits.
The Mercury
It is one which is the smallest and closest planet to the sun in the solar system. It is lying about 5 crore km away from the sun. It takes about 88 days to complete one revolution around the sun and rotates once for every 176 earth days. The surface temperature varies from −183 °C to 427 °C. It has a radius of 2439.7 km and only 5% of earth's volume. It doesn't have any moon. The average density of this planet is calculated as 5.4 gm/cc which is slightly less than that of earth. It has a large iron core and its mass is 3.3*10^23 kg.
This is revolving next to Mercury and hotter than our earth. It is about 10.8 crore km away from the Sun and takes about 225 days to complete one revolution. It has a radius of 6052 km and 85% of earth's volume. Mean density of this planet is 5.204 gm/cc with a mass of 4.868*10^24 kg. This planet also has no moons. It can be seen through naked eyes from our earth in east direction around early morning hours.
This is our home planet and entirely different from other planets with its snow covered high mountain ranges, great oceans, dense forests, large rivers, woderful waterfalls and countless living being including human beings. Its optimum temperature, atmospheric conditions and availability of water permits the growth and existence of living beings. It is about 14 core km away from the sun and has a radius of 6400 km. Earth's mean density is 5.5 gm/cc and mass of 5.9*10^24 kg. It takes 365 days to complete one orbit and has only one moon. Its iron core makes it as the densest planet of the solar system. Our earth rotates itself once in every 24 hours.
Our Earth has only one natural satellite called Moon and it is about one third by the volume of our home planet earth. With its low mean density (3.34 gm/cc) its mass is only 7.347*10^22 kg which is just 1.2% of our total earth's mass. It is lying at about 3.84 lac km away from the earth and has a radius of 1,737 km. It is revolving round the earth once for every 30 earth days.
Mars is lying between our earth and Jupiter. It is about 22.5 crore km away from the sun and takes 686 days to complete one revolution around the sun . It has a radius of 3,396 km and only 15% of earth's volume. It has a mean density of 3.394 gm/cc with a mass of 6.41*10^23 kg. It is also called as red planet because of reddish appearance due to the presence of Iron-oxide on its surface.
This is the largest planet of the solar system which lies between the Mars and Saturn. It lies at about 77.8 crore km away from the sun and takes about 11.86 years to complete an orbit and rotates once for every 10 hours.. It has a great radius of 66,854 km and is about 1,300 times greater than our earth by volume. Its mean density is 1.32 gm/cc which is relatively lower than earth but, has a great mass of 1.898*10^27 kg. The planet surface has been covered by 50 km deep layer consisting mixture of gases like Hydrogen, Helium, Ammonia, Nitrogen and etc., About 63 moons are revolving around this giant planet. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are important ones and among them Ganymede is larger than the planet Mercury. The Great Red Spot is the special feature this planet which lies at 22 degree to the south of equator. That was formed by the anti-cyclonic storm which have to be held there since 1665 AD. The Great Red Spot is so large that 2 or 3 earths can be filled in.
This is the second largest and sixth planet of the system which lies at about 140 crore km away from the Sun. It takes about 29.5 years to complete one revolution around sun and rotates itself for every 10.5 hours. It has a great radius of 60,268 km. With very low mean density of 0.687 gm/cc its mass is calculated as 5.7 *10^26 kg. It's about 763 times larger than earth by volume. It has special feature of rings that appear around 65,000 to 1.25 lac km away from the planet. It's said that the rings are the result of disintegrated moon which might have been struck by asteroids or comets. The Saturn has 61 moons. Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys and Titan are some of its moons and of which Titan is 1.5 times greater than our Earth's moon.
Uranus is the third largest planet of the solar system. It is also the coldest one and lying at about 300 crore km from the sun and completes its orbit for every 84 earth years and rotates once in 17.5 hours. It has a radius of 25,000 km and about 63 times greater than the earth by volume. The mean density of the planet is 1.27 gm/cc and mass is 8.7*10^25 kg. In fact, this is the coldest planet with icy temperature of - 224 degree centigrade. It has 27 moons. It is said that icy wind reaching the speed of 900 km/hour is blowing over this planet.
This is the farthest planet of the solar system and lies at a distance of 455 crore km from the Sun and takes about 165 years to complete one revolution around the sun and rotates itself once for 16 hours. It is the fourth largest by volume and third largest by mass in the solar system. It has a radius of 24,340 km and 58 times greater than by volume. It has a mean density of 1.638 gm/cc and a mass of 1.0243'10^26 kg. There are 13 moons to this planet. Naiad, Thalassa, Despina and Galatea are some important ones.
This is lying at about 445 crore km away from the Sun. Though it had been the farthest one in the solar system, it became closer to the Sun than Neptune, the fact was discovered in Feb. 1999. It completes its orbit for every 248 years and rotates itself once for every 6 days and 9 hours. It has a radius of 1,151 km and only 18% of earth's volume. Its mean density is 2.03 gm/cc and mass is 0.007*10^22 kg (only 2% of earth's mass). It has three natural satellites namely Charon, Nix and Hydra.
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