The Importance of Yellow in Hinduism
/ The Importance of Yellow Color
The Importance of Yellow Color
Yellow is indeed an attractive and beautiful color. It's quite different from other colors as it can attract even a baby. It represents wisdom, concentration, cheerfulness, auspiciousness , optimism, energy, intellectuality, spiritual enlightenment and confidence. Though it is said to be attractive one, we will feel some difficult and get irritated with a complete yellowish atmosphere. Since it is a punching color the continuous watching of this color may sometimes causes headache and irritation on our eyes. Whenever it is combined with basic colors like red, blue and green, it will look so beautiful. The combination of red color and yellow color will be always nice. For this reason, in the park red and yellow flowers are grown near by near to attract the visitors.
The Importance of Yellow in Hinduism
The Yellow Flower
The Importance of Yellow in Hinduism
It has spiritual importance in religions like Hinduism. The people belonging to Hinuism believe that this an auspicious one and never forget to use this color whenever they start new consignments. To get this color they use the mixture of turmeric powder and little bit water. Paricularly the business people in various parts of India will apply this color on the front page of their new account note book to get more profits in that year. During the occasions like marriage the priests will mix the turmeric powder with a little quantity of water to make a small conical shaped object which represents Lord Ganesh. It is told in Hinduism that turmeric powder and water can be used to create instant Lord Ganesh to worship Him. The Hindu people will wear yellow colored dresses while they are performing religious activities. It is also a traditional habit that every bride of Hindu marriage should have worn yellow saree. In every Hindu temple in India turmeric powder will be also used along with thiruneeru, kumkum and chandan. The yellow color is also associted with the God of Jupiter. In Hinduism God of Jupiter is called as Guru Bhagavan or Guru Moorthy. Lord Guru Moorthy will always appear in the yellow colored dress in Hindu temples.
Yellow in Yoga
In spiritual science it is stated that our body is made up of seven chakras which are lying imaginarily one above another from the base of spine to the top head. The third chakra, also callled as Solar Plexus Chakra, is lying on the stomach area and it is represented by the yellow color. This chakra is known as energy center and the same will stimulate nerves in our body. Whenever a person has problem with this third chakra, he will get problems like lack of concentration, dullness and energyless feeling.
Yellow in Chromotherapy
The yellow color is widely used in chromotherapy. Naturally yellow has healing power as it can reduce mascular pain, back pain and inflammation. It can stimulate the central nervous system (brain) of our body to get more confidence and come out of unnecessary fears. It will be very useful in liver and kidney problems. The stimulant power of yellow color is used to cure diseases like chronic constipation, diabetes, eye infections, syphillis and impotence.
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