/ How to Prepare for Indian Army Soldiers
How to Prepare for Indian Army Soldiers
Army cadet are prepared for nation security. Indian Army gives us external security and provide security. Army man means full of courage, leadership, determination and confidence etc. Army man live in border and abroad and so far of our family. So Army man is the greatest soldier of our motherland.
Indian Army conducts an examination for the recruitment of Soldiers for Clerk duties, General Duties and other various technical and non technical trades. Since Army is a large organisation so it conducts recruitment regiment wise and Zone wise. Recruitment is conducted at various places time to time.
The word Indian army as a career option counts a lot for those who are eager to join or serving in that department. Choosing army as a career depends upon a lot of things which depends upon perspective of each person towards it. Today Indian army has become a great career option due to the quality lifestyle it provides and to be part of most prestigious organisations that is armed services, one should be passionate about that.
Many Indian youths getting too much interested to do job in Indian Army and their parents also supporting them which is really considerable. Indian Army gives respect, teach us discipline, dignity and many more things which makes feel proud.
As an Indian Army soldier, every day one has to deal with new situation. Everyday one has to wake up at 5 am and sleep till 10pm and between this in every moment one has to make decision, one has to be ready for taking responsibility and that’s a person wants in his life adventure, discipline.
The Army publishes various posts in the employment news papers time to time when ever there is vacancy exist in a particular regiment or core for the recruitment on soldier.
For general duty soldiers minimum qualification is metric and age limit between 16 years to 21 years. Eligible candidates will be required to appear for a written test. Common Entrance Examination (CEE) is conducted on 4th Sunday of Jan, Mar, May, July, September & November, for recruitment of Soldiers. It comprises of the following two papers:
Paper-l: It generally comprises of questions on IQ, Numeric ability, General knowledge and current affairs.
Paper-II: It generally comprises of Maths & English (Language Proficiency).
1. A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health.
2. To prepare for Indian Army soldiers exam, practice Sample Papers and Previous Year Papers with a timer running. Sample papers are carefully designed keeping exam pattern in mind.
3. You need to have a good study plan for any exam you want to take. This is based on important chapters for the exam and the time you have. Your preparation also needs to be evaluated regularly to see whether you are on track.
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