
How to Prepare for Civils

The civil services examination is basically a test to choose suitable administrators. It tests the candidate right from the stage when one starts the preparation. City, state and federal government agencies hire based on the ability of the person applying for the job. In order to measure a person’s capabilities, these agencies give a civil service exam to find if an applicant can do the minimal skills required for the job.

UPSC will conduct the civil services examination which is carried out in three stages – Preliminary, Main examination and personal interview. To clear Civil Exam you need to clear the prelims and mains. For prelims you need to clear CSAT which consists of aptitude and reasoning questions.

1. A candidate should have the right frame of mind and the will power to succeed in the civil exam. A proper action plan is needed for the preparation itself since he /she will be tested for some essential qualities like power of retention, clarity of concepts, ability to identify the correct alternatives with efficiency and accuracy. All this requires a quick decision making power.

2. Before initiating the preparations, a few things must be noted by the candidates. The choice of optional subject for Paper-II has to be done very carefully. The candidates must plan ahead on the main examination and choose the optional which he intends taking up in the Mains. The preparations done for the preliminaries would assist the candidates in getting good grasp of the subject and the effort put in would not go waste after the prelims.

3. Optional subject carries more number of maximum marks as compared to the General Studies Paper. A candidate doing well in the optional paper is expected to fare well in the examination.

4. While the Optional subject is very important, the candidates also need to do well in Paper-I. As there is no choice of subject for Paper-I and all the candidates are required to solve the same questions, this paper assumes enormous importance as anyone spoiling this paper cannot have any chance of qualifying the examination

5. There are many good books available in the market for preparation of civil service exams. Also try the online study materials and tips for the exam.

6. If you are self studying then concentrate on your target core area, take some previous prelims papers & understand the pattern of the exam. The best way to crack a exam is to understand it properly. There will be aptitude test in place of objective paper. Focus on the important section of the core area of syllabus. The repetitive revision of selected section will be very beneficial at the exam time. Update in general studies you can read Hindi or English news paper regularly.

7. Get the basics clearly and make good concept. Practice a lot with the previous year papers and also the model papers.

8. Try to solve as much as question you can practice a day and try to increase the question in next day. Try to understand fully the question you solved that mean go as much deep you can go.
To make it interesting first you have to stop feeling about its long formula and boredom! and second thing stop remembering formula apply logic and derive the formula than to remember it!! and study it when you are full of energetic and full concentration.

9. Changes in formats of question papers always tend to create a lot of mental discomfort in students. Many students are fearful of subjects like mathematics. This fear may be baseless considering the changes lay greater emphasis on the “aptitude” which mainly involves reasoning skills and not just mathematics.

10. Read the test questions carefully as you take the test. Each question only has one correct answer. Rule out the totally wrong answers, then make your correct choice. Leave questions you don’t know and then come back to them later.

11. Preparations for the Civil Services Exam should start along with those of Preliminary exam. This is because there is much common ground for study, and there is little time for the mains exam if one waits for the results of the Preliminaries. It is a long haul and preparations should be done with persistence, over nine months to an year.

12. There are many different subjects and it would not be practical to explain how to study for each individual one, Obtain the latest syllabus for the civil service exam you will be giving. Then, gather up all your books, and cover the topics of the syllabus while simultaneously referring to the question papers and seeing the kind of questions that are asked on each topic.

13. As you know, the paper will be a multiple choice questions paper. So, people look though the syllabus and make the mistake of assuming something like, “This cannot be asked as a multiple-choice question! What can they possibly ask?” This is a BIG mistake! They can convert just about anything into a confusing multiple choice question. So a good understanding of all the concepts of the syllabus is a must.

14. Apart from preparation, get a good night’s sleep the night before the test. Eat a good breakfast. Dress professionally.


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