The health benefits of chocolate might even equal its taste. Here are five reasons to indulge in this cocoa-rich treat.
1. Chocolate makes you happy
The warm and fuzzy feeling you get after a few squares of Dairy Milk is not imagined. Chocolate contains a phyto-nutrient that causes the brain to release endorphins—a hormone that makes you happy.
2. Chocolate protects your heart
A German study found that eating 7.5 g of dark chocolate every day may cut your chance of heart attack by almost 40 percent. Participants who nibbled on chocolate daily boasted lower blood pressure and reduced rates of stroke.
3. Chocolate helps PMS
Chocolate is virtually a nutrient-powerhouse. It contains zinc, magnesium, copper and chromium, says Prevention advisor Dr Joe Kosterich. Pre-menstrual chocolate cravings are often linked to low magnesium.
4. Chocolate contains antioxidants
Tea? Red wine? Chocolate is also a great source of antioxidants. It's rich in flavanols and proanthocyanins, both of which boost 'good' HDL cholesterol levels.
5. Chocolate can help you lose weight
A good weight-loss plan should include all the foods you love—in moderation. So don’t ban chocolate from your diet! You’ll only obsess about it because you can’t have it. Instead allow yourself a little bit of chocolate when you really want it.
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