As per the latest reports Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s forthcoming movie ‘Julayi’ is now set to release on August 9. But the news is not yet confirmed by the production house. If the information is true means it is a very big disappointment for the Bunny fans as they wished to enjoy the movie this week.
Julayi was earlier scheduled to release in July 13th, after Eega super hit every body thought that movie will postpone for about one or two weeks but it is really shocking that the movie would release after almost a month.It is heard that the release date is almost confirmed and waiting is for the official announcement.
Julayi is power packed with the delectable dialogues of Trivikram and fantastic performance of Bunny. Ileana is the romantic interest of Alu Arjun. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music.
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