Adith Arun introduced by Prakash Raj’s duet film in Inithu Inithu (remake of Telugu blockbuster Happy Days) showed a lot of promise in films like Kathaa with Genelia in Telugu, though won the praise of critics and film buffs, Theneer Viduthi etc., none made him a star.
However, his dreams was not shattered, as he was praised by many as ‘talented and handsome”. Now, he has decided to leave that bitter memories of failures and has confidently started his next film Ore Gnabagam Tamil film christened as Nee Vaipey in Telugu. It is directed by Vignaraj.
His excitement does not end here because he has bagged a film to be produced by a leading Telugu film producer Dil Raju, the man known for his Midas touch, who has also produced hits like Bommarillu, Oh My Friend, Arya, etc.
Dil Raju has offered him a plum role in his next film Kerintha (expression of happiness). Adith Arun will be sharing the screen space with Sai Dharam Tej, the nephew of Mega Star Chiranjeevi.
I have always been confident of my choices, and I thank those who had reposed their faith on me. I am sure my forthcoming films will mark my presence in the Southern film industry as an actor,” Adith says with brimming confidence.
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