/ Shankar Next Movie Official Announcement
Shankar Next Movie Official Announcement
Hit Director of Kollywood Officially annouced his Next project, Vikram and Samantha are the Main leads, Ar Rehman Composing teh music, PC Sri Ram handling the Cameram Shankar and Duo SuBa are colloborating to narrate the story for this movie, this movie will be named as "I" which has seeral meanings in tamil as beauty, king, vulnerability etc.. the main attraction of this movie is Mary Vogt (Costume Designer) Who worked for teh Hollywood film Men in Black, and Australina VFX company is going to add the extra effects for this movie, Oscar Ravi Chandran is going to produce this movie,Previously there were some rumors that Shanker is going to make a politica lfilm but now he oficially announed that its a Romantic love story
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