Hi friends Good Evening! Welcome to our second session. Today I am going to discuss history of Java instead of going for Java program directly. Because I think you should know a little bit history before starting our first Java program.
In general James Gosling is referred as father of Java programming language. Let us have a small flash back.
Initially in 1990′s Patrick Naughton is working on Sun’s project named Stealth Project. Later this Stealth Project was renamed to Green Project when James Gosling and Mike Sheridan joined this project. Later Bill Joy also joined this. You can say that James Gosling is the team leader for this project. Actually these people initial goal is to built embedded software for consumer electronic goods like set top boxes and cable TV. Later they shifted their focus on world wide web, and this became the turning point.
The team called this developed language as Oak (There are stories on internet that Oak is the tree the team used to see via window). But since the name is already registered by some company they want to change to different one. Then the team came up with alternate names like Java, DNA, WebRunner and Silk. From these names at last Java was chosen.(It means coffee. The team used to drink a lot of coffee and fine quality coffee is imported from Java island, Indonesia. That’s why the language name kept to Java!). US people general slang for coffee is Java.
By this way first version of Java came in the year 1995 by Sun Microsystems. The name Sun stands for Stanford University Network. Even though Java was created by James Gosling, the company Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla (an Indian). This is really a great feeling for every Indian.
This is not the only case. For every revolutionary product or idea behind the scenes there will be an Indian. Yes I have so many examples to prove this point. When the time comes I will present them.
But later on Oracle purchased Sun Microsystems and Java became the product of Oracle Corporation. This may be a sad news, but no problem! Java future is safe under Oracle.
So what about James Gosling? Where is he now?
Don’t worry! He is alive . James Gosling worked with Oracle for some time and then he joined Google Company. But sadly he doesn’t worked in Google also for long time and later he joined Liquid Robotics.
I provided all these updates time to time to my regular visitors the moment it happened. At present he is associated with Liquid Robotics. Are you interested to visit James Gosling blog then it is at www.nighthacks.com. I am a regular visitor of his blog!
Sorry for a short post. Scheduling this post for tomorrow morning 9 AM. Hope you will enjoy this!
Liked today’s session? If not then I want to share one more thing. James Gosling had two daughters, named Kate and Kelsey .
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