/ Ordnance Factory Jabalpur Group C Recruitment 2014
Ordnance Factory Jabalpur Group C Recruitment 2014
Ordnance Factory, Khamaria, Jabalpur Recruitment of Group C Vacancy Notification Online application form 2014.
Ministry of Defence, Ordnance Factory, Khamaria, Jabalpur invites applications for various NIE & Para-Medical Group "C" Posts.
Name of the Vacancy: Total 58 Posts
1) Mid-Wife: 1 post
Qualification: 12th passed or equivalent examination with Science subjects, 2 years Auxiliary Nursing Midwife Course and must have working knowledge of computers.
2) Fireman: 18 posts
Qualification: 10th passed, must have completed basic course on elementary fire fighting & must be physically fit and capable of performing strenuous duties.
3) Store Keeper: 9 posts
Qualification: 12th passed.
4) Civilian Motor Driver (OG): 7 posts
Qualification: 10th passed and must have license for driving light and heavy vehicles with basic knowledge in automobile repairing.
5) Telephone Operator Grade II: 1 post
Qualification: 12th passed and Proficiency in handling of PBX Board and Electronics Exchanges.
6) Durwan: 19 posts
Qualification: 10th passed and must be physically fit for duties of Durwan as per specified standard.
7) Ward Sahayak (Female): 3 posts
Qualification: 10th passed or equivalent examination and Knowledge of First-aid, Nursing and Ward procedure.
Application Fee: Candidates required to pay Rs.50/- towards application fee of through Crossed Indian Postal Order in favour of the Senior General Manager, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Jabalpur, MP- 482005.
-SC/ST/EX-Serviceman and PH candidates are exempted from Application fee.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply through prescribedapplication format as given.
The duly completed Application Form in all respect along with attested copies of all required Certificates/Documents should be submitted to the Senior General Manager, Ordnance Factory Khamaria, Dist-Jabalpur, Pin-482005 (M.P) within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
Important Dates:
Closing Date of Application Forms: within 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement (15 August 2014)
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