Name :Hindustan Paper Corporation (HPC) Limited
Post Name :
1. Asstt. Process Engineer (E-1) / Process Engineer (E-2)
2. Technical Advisor to CMD
3. Part-time Doctor
Qualification :Candidates should possess BE/B.Tech in Chemical Engineering/ Pulp & PaperTechnology or Post Graduate Diploma in Pulp & Paper Technology from a recognized University/ Institute for 1st post, BE / B. Tech. (Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Paper Tech.) for 2nd postand MBBS degree with 5 years experience in practicing in any of the hospitals / chamber for Post No.3.
Age Limit :Candidates age should be between 30-37 years for 1st Post minimum 50 years for 2nd Post as on 01-06-2014. Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates.
Selection Process :Candidates will be selected based on their performance in Personal Interview.
How To Apply :Eligible candidates can send their applications in the prescribed format along with true copies of certificates, mark lists, recent passport size photograph (to be pasted on the application) and demand draft in an envelope super scribed with “Application for the Post of ___”, should reach to the In-Charge, HR & ES, Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited (HPC), Ruby Building, 75-C, Park Street, Kolkata -700 016 on or before 13-08-2014.
Important Dates:
Last Date To Apply :13-08-2014.
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