Soil is the layer of broken rock particles and decaying organic matter on the surface of earth, which is essential for the growth of plants. It comprises of all the necessary nutrients that aid the growth and development of plants and trees. There are different types of soils, each one of them varying in its nature and texture. While some soils are deep rooted, the others are present on the margin. They also differentiate in their color, as some may be red while others are black. There are various types of soil and each carries with itself different nutrients, which assists in the growth of various plants and crops. Read on to get more information on various kinds of soils.
Different Types of Soil
- Sandy Soil: Sandy soil is light and dry in nature. It does not have moisture content and warms up quickly in the spring. Thus, it is good for the production of early crops. Sandy soil is fit for cultivation any time of the year and is comparatively easier to manage. Since it absorbs water quickly, the plants rooted in it need to be watered frequently.
- Clay Soil: Clay soil is also called ‘late’ soil, because its wet nature makes it apt for planting seeds in late autumn. The soil serves as an excellent retort for the dry season, as it has a high water retention quality. It is necessary to drain clay soil frequently, for improving its texture. The soil becomes unmanageable during rainy season, as it becomes ‘sticky’. On the other hand, during draught, it becomes ‘rock solid’.
- Silt Soil: Slit soil is considered to be the one of the most fertile soils present on earth. It is high in nutrient content and is comparatively heavier than the sandy soil, as it retains moisture easily. However, unlike clay soil, silt soil has a good drainage facility, which makes it very productive.
- Loam Soils: Given the tag of being the perfect soil, Loamy soil is a combination of all the three - sandy soil, clay soil and silt soil, in the ratio of 40:40:20. It is suitable for any and every kind of crops. An amalgamation of three soils, loam soil has best of the characteristic of all. It has high nutrients content, warms up quickly in summers and rarely dries out in the dry weather. It has become the ideal soil for cultivation.
- Peaty Soil: Peaty soils are acidic in content, which makes them sour. This is the most exceptional feature of Peaty soils. Usually found in low-lying areas, these soils require proper drainage, as the place is accustomed to a lot of water clogging. Though peaty soils have less nutrient content, they warm up quickly in the spring, making them excellent if right amount of fertilizers are added.
- Chalky Soils: Chalky soil is alkaline in nature and usually poor in nutrients. It requires nourishment, in the form of additional nutrients and soil improvers, for better quality. The soil becomes dry in summers, making it very hard, and would require too much of watering for the plants to grow. The only advantage which such a soil has is its lime content. When deep-rooted, Chalky soil becomes excellent for plant growth and favors good growing conditions as well.
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