To check the services program...goto
start -> run ->type" services.msc " (without quotes) -> and hit enter.
There will be a list of services...Some common services you can check and stop them according to your need..
To stop a service..double click the desired service and click on stop button. To stop that service from "disabled" instead of Automatic from the startup type option
1) Error Reporting Service - stop the alert of send and dont send error
2) Help and Support - You can safely turn this feature no one uses this
3) Indexing Service - keep it on of you use windows search..because..this makes the search faster
4) Messenger - Windows messenger. turn it OFF..if you don't use it.
5) Telnet - Turn this OFF..if you don't use it.
6) Uninterruptible Power Supply - Turn this OFF...if you don't have an UPS
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