Saturday - 15 March, 2025 +91

Make Money with Google Adsense

Earning money online is being the dream of every internet user and many of those are finding the real ways to do this. Previously, I had shared some real and easy ways to make money online on the internet which were really best methods. And today, I'm going to discuss deeply that how can we make money online with Google Adsense. Google Adsense is especially for those who are running their own website or blog and wanna monetize it. There are also some methods to earn with Adsense without having any website and I'll surely share it in future. Earning with Adsense is easy but is also needed some hard work. If you're from Asian country then you might face problem in getting approved Adsense account because Adsense is too much strict to Asian countries due to violation of their policies. Well, You can get it in Asian countries but it needs hard work and I'll also share the approval tips. So now it's time to discuss about earning with Google Adsense.

Make Money Online With Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the most popular PPC [ Paid Per Click ] advertising network. It was introduced 10 years ago [2003] and recently Adsense had celebrated their 10 years of success. If you've any website then you can easily earn from it with Google Adsense. In order to get started with Adsense you will need to apply for Adsense. Wait for a week to get the reply and once if you got approval then you're free to use Adsense. After getting approval from Google Adsense, you've to create the ad unit in your Adsense account then you will get the Ad code which you've to implement in your website/blog. If your account is active then after a few minutes the Ads will start appearing on your website. Now that code will not show the single Ad everytime but it will show other Ads when you refresh or reload the page.

After the Ad setup you will be thinking then how you will earn from it. Then let me tell you, When the Ads are properly showing on your blog/website then when someone will come on your site and click on the Adsense ad then you will get paid for it. It means, you're giving visitors to them but they must click on their own choice. If you force others to click on it and even if you click on your own Ads then you will be caught and you can get banned. So, I recommend you don't violate their policies because Google is too smart and it is seeing you everytime what you're doing with their products. 

What Are The Requirements For Google Adsense?

There are some little requirements for using Google Adsense according to their policies which I'm going to tell you in this para. The first thing is that you need an appropriate website or blog to monetize your content. It must have some content and it should not be in under construction while applying for Adsense because they need the active websites. Your website or blog also must have organic which is strongly important. The second thing is your age, You should be 18 years old with your own bank account or national ID card. If you're under 18 then you can also use your father's or any parent's identification. The third is the bank account or national ID card. These both things are for receiving the payment from Google Adsense. You can use your bank account to receive the payment. If you don't have any bank account then you can use your national ID card to receivepayment from Western Union. 

The Address Verification [ Pin Code ] 

When you've got started with Adsense and your earning reaches at $10 USD Dollars then you will need to verify your address which you've given while applying. Simply, when earning reaches at $10 then you will get a notification that a letter has been sent to your address. While applying for Adsense, make sure you've given the proper and real address of your home. It should contain house no, street no, block no (optional), area name and city. Once if the letter is sent to your address then you will need to wait at least 2 months to get that letter. That letter will contain a Pin Code and some other guidelines to use Adsense safely. You've to enter thatPin Code in your Adsense account in order to verify the address. By the mistake, If you entered the wrong address then you can re-submit the Pin Code letter with the changed address but you can do this only three times otherwise your account will be blocked. 

The Payment Process - When and How To Receive?

You may want to know about the payment process like when and how can we receive the payment. So here I'll explain it. Once if you've verified the address with pin code then you can receive the payment otherwise it will be on hold. The minimum payment threshold is $100 so when earning reaches at $100 then you can receive the payment. The payment is sent on every month if the earning has reached to minimum threshold. There are three payment methods, First one is bank transfer, Second one is Western Union and Third one is express check. You can use any method for the payment but I recommend going with Western Union because it is a quick and cash method there you will not face any problem. So, before your earning reaches the minimum threshold, you must set up your payment method.

Your Turn

So friends, this was our Google Adsense which is the best advertising network for everyone. I strongly recommend you to try Adsense because it pays more than others. I hope this article will solve your issues according to earning with Adsense. Now it's your turn to apply for Adsense but I recommend to read their policies before applying and if your site is complying with their policies then surely apply for it. My wishes are with you to get approved. Subscribe us to get more and don't forget to comment below. Take Care and Happy Earning!


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