/ How To Save Web Articles As Pdf
How To Save Web Articles As Pdf
We browse many articles in the internet if particular article is tought important to us we make it as a bookmark but it is a complex process.
Everyone surfs the web and finds some interesting articles that they wish to have even if they are offline, some people follow the time consuming copy paste method. But here is a simple way you could use, save web pages as PDF documents just in few seconds with the help of chrome.
Some websites offers users to save web articles as a pdf file it is very useful to users because whenever there is no internet connection we can't access the internet in that time these saved pdf articles helps users to read that important articles.
Go to Printfriendly
Printfriendly converts any webpage into a formatted print or can be saved as a PDF.There is also a option to remove all the images from the page, or you can also delete the part of the page selectivelywhich you do not want to print.
Enter the "url" of the page in that box you want save as a pdf.
After entering the url in that box click on "print preview"
It redirects to next page in that page you need to save selected article as pdf by clicking on pdf button shown in below image.
1. When you find an interesting article on the web, just press Ctrl+P on your Chrome Browser, then a Google Chrome’s print dialog box opens shown in below image.
2.click on “Save as PDF” as your Destination, just go ahead and click “Save”
3.This is very important if you don’t see “Save as PDF” as your Destination, click “Change” and under Local Destinations click “Save as PDF“, now you can save your document as PDF.
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