/ Bihar Govt Jobs 2014 – Apply for 23582 vacancies in Gramin Computer Saksharta Mission
Bihar Govt Jobs 2014 – Apply for 23582 vacancies in Gramin Computer Saksharta Mission
Gramin Computer Saksharta Mission Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post and Number of Posts:
1. Zonal Project Officer – 10 posts
2. District Project Officer – 38 posts
3. District Project Coordinator – 38 posts
4. Block Project Coordinator -534 posts
5. Accountant – 534 posts
6. Field Supervisor – 3738 posts
7. Computer Teacher – 18690 posts
Educational Qualification:
1. Zonal Project Officer: Graduation
2. District Project Officer: Graduation
3. District Project Coordinator: Graduation
4. Block Project Coordinator: Inter
5. Accountant: I.Com
6. Field Supervisor: Matric/Inter
7. Computer Teacher: Inter or above with DCA
Age Limit: Candidates age limit should between 18 to 38 years on 01-01-2014
For SC/ST/OBC candidates, the upper age limit relaxation is 3 year.
Selection Process: Candidates would be selected based on their performance in Written Test and Personal interview.
Application Fee: For the post 1, 2 and 3 posts application fee is Rs.300/- and Rs. 200/- for remaining posts.
The fee must be paid by Demand Draft (DD) or Indian Postal Order (IPO) in favor of Bihar State Ex-Servicemen Cooperative Development Corporation Limited, Patna, payable at Patna. The name and address of the candidates must be mentioned in the overleaf of the Demand Draft/Postal Order.
How to Apply:
Eligible candidates can download the application form from www.cooperativetv.com and apply on or before 04-03-2014.
Completely filled application form in own handwriting with all other essential document should send through registered Post/Speed Post to the follow address:
The Secretary
Bihar State Ex-Servicemen Cooperative Development Corporation Limited
Sheikhpura More, Bailey Road, (Above Adidas Showroom)
Patna – 800014 (Bihar)
Last date for Apply: 04-03-2014
For more details like educational qualification, selection process and other details, click on the link given below.
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