Vandemataram Foundation - Sri Laxmi Narayana, IPS, (JD, CBI) Speech at Melukalayika
On may 6th Vandemataram foundation has facilitated “Melukalayika” with the leaders working various social environmental and developmental issues.Knowing from each other the comandable work happening at various levels was an inspiration to each other .This meeting also brought about the present and future challenges. For our mother earth’s suatainability there is a need to come together for holistic developmental solutions.
We are very much thankful to Sri Lakshmi Narayana garu for being part of “Melukalayika” and share his vision on development and spiritual aspects.He also suggested strategies for networking and synergizing the areas that we are working upon in wider geographies also suggested to develop one village as model with all our initiatives.
Vandemataram foundation in the future would like to continue “melukalaika” meetings.for day to day communication we created social media groups (facebook group - melukalayika).
Please join this group and also actively participate in the discussions and also suggest the people working on common goals to join the group.
Sri Lakshminarayana sir speech video link:
Best Regards,
Thanking you,
Vandemataram Foundation.
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