Wednesday - 19 March, 2025 +91

Glowing Plants Are Now A Real Thing

Once relegated to science fiction, bioluminescence – or organic bodies that are capable of creating their own light sources, are now a reality. Thanks to projects like, who is currently running a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, sustainable light sources might be on the not-so-distant horizon. Hailed as being “the first step in creating sustainable natural lighting,” this solution brings about a new glimpse of what is to be expected from later attempts at innovation in the near future.

Some of you may already be familiar with the work of scientists who used luciferin, Latin for “light-bringer”, more than two decades ago to bring the plants to a glowing state, but technology has come a long way since that point in time. Prior to those experiments, the bioluminescence phenomenon, seen in creatures like fireflies, was a mystery to the scientific community. Today, scientists are much better able to manipulate this light source.
The Age of Bioluminescence
One of the coolest aspects of this new ability to genetically alter the plants to a glowing state is the ability for the public to access them for a reasonable fee. This commerce not is not great for the environment, but great for the companies working to make these groundbreaking scientific advances a common household item.
Although plans to sell individual seeds for $40, or a grown glowing plant for $150, orders are not being taking until later in the month of May.
To give a bit of history as to how scientists were able to reach this monumental achievement, the story must begin in 1986. This is when scientists and researchers first added luciferin to the plants to allow them to become illuminated. Later in 1989, researchers were successful in determining the gene sequence for Luciferase-luciferin. It wasn’t until 2010 that scientists were able to create a glowing bacteria as well as plants that were able to as well based off of their genetically-modified make ups.
Taking this knowledge a bit further, they were able to create plants that glowed brightly instead of just dimly in 2013.
Letting the Light In
For those looking to accentuate their gardens in ways that have only been a distant dream, this may be the ultimate scientific discovery. For those that discourage genetic scientific breakthroughs, this may only be a small glimpse of what may be in store for the human race as a whole in a negative way. From what can be gathered by this monumental advancement, careful steps are being taken not to cross the boundaries of what is socially acceptable in terms of toying around with nature. In fact, this discovery may actually save the world from unnecessary power usage that is brought about by home lighting. It may also bring about new methods of facing illumination issues across the world. To think of the problem with a organic solution may be just the step that is needed for the next step of evolution.


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