/ Make Sure You Never Lose Your Files, Photos or Music
Make Sure You Never Lose Your Files, Photos or Music
Everyone understands the importance of insurance – for your car, your home, and your health. While nobody enjoys paying the premium, we intrinsically understand the financial devastation that can result from an accident, disaster, or a serious health problem.
But, there’s another area of life where people are also exposed to a huge risk, and many of us have no insurance—it’s our digital storage. According to PC World, 43 percent of computer users lose their music, photos, and documents annually.
We can expect that percentage to rise as we become more dependent on our computers each passing year. After all, we store so many important things on our computers: precious photo collections, music collections, videos, and important financial and work documents.
Inevitably though, the worst will happen—the hard drive crashes. Unless you regularly back up all of your files to an external device, you’ve probably lost them—forever. If you’re lucky, you just might be able to restore some of your files. But, it will cost you—a few thousand dollars, and a ton of frustration and time.
Fortunately, there are now easy and affordable ways to get protected, and more and more people are choosing to use them. In fact, they are now so easy to use and affordable, there's really no reason to be exposed when it comes to preserving precious digital assets.
One of the easiest and most cost-effective protection plans is offered by a company called MyPCBackup.com. In three simple steps, this solution can have you covered.
Here’s how it works
First, sign up for your free MyPCBackup account and download the MyPCBackup application. It automatically finds all your photos, music, documents, and other irreplaceable files—no matter where they are on your hard drive—and compresses and securely encrypts them. Finally, it copies them over the Internet to the remote MyPCBackup data centers.
As you create new files and documents, MyPCBackup works automatically and behind the scenes to back them up, with no technical interference as you go about your other work. You have immediate access to your old and newly created documents from any Web browser, even your smart phone. No need for portable flash hard drives or sending large email attachments to yourself.
Then, when your turn arrives to have an accident, you can restore your data quickly and easily. You can restore a single file, a set of files, or all of your data.
Digital backups on the cloud are definitely the wave of the future. For less than $5 a month, MyPCBackup provides complete peace-of-mind and convenience. Better yet, they’re currently offering a 14-day free trial, so that you can try out the service and see how easy it is to use, before you decide to continue with it. And, no credit card is needed to try it.
Everyone knows what it feels like to accidently delete an irretrievable file they’ve been working on for hours. Just imagine the feeling when a lifetime’s collection of pictures, songs, and memories is lost forever. Fortunately, with MyPCBackup, it’s something nobody needs to experience again.
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