/ Engineers develop world’s first water producing billboard for Peru
Engineers develop world’s first water producing billboard for Peru
According to recent estimates by the United Nations about 2.6 billion people in the world have little or no access to clean drinking water and most of these people reside in underdeveloped parts of the world, where infrastructure to produce drinking water by desalination are not present. Similar is the case in Peru, where people usually source water from wells, which is often polluted and not at all fit for drinking. To better conditions in such areas, UTEC, the University of Engineering and Technology in Lima, Peru, has collaborated with Mayo DraftDCB to develop an innovative billboard that can quench the third of many families.
The billboard, which is the first of its kind in the world, includes advanced water capturing and filtration systems that convert humidity in the air to clean drinking water. Since the average atmospheric humidity in the area reaches almost 98 percent, but rainfall is scarce, the billboard is able to produce up to 96-liters of potable water that is stored in reserve tanks. Local residents can simply approach the billboard and turn the tap for clean water. Head over to Designboom for some more images.
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