Most of the times your preparation for an interview means getting your file ready, preparing on your core subject, an exhaustive list of likely interview questions. Very few of us give any serious thought to the outfit to be worn for the interview. But the fact is that appropriate dressing can not only create a good first impression, but can also ensure a successful interview. Here are a few quickies to bear in mind when you get dressed for an interview:
Always dress formally. The organization you are interviewing for might have a casual atmosphere, but when you walk in for the interview it is always better to be dressed formally. A casually dressed interview candidate does not make a lasting impression on the interviewer.
It is very important to appear neat and presentable. For men: Get a good haircut and shave. For women: Tie up your hair or let loose but it is important to have a neat hair-do.
Wear a professional looking watch.
Wear a mild fragrance.
For men: Do not wear any unnecessary jewellery. For women: Do not wear dangling and noisy jewellery. Also do not apply flashy nail colors.
Always carry a copy of your resume (either print-out or on a USB drive).
Carry a note pad and pen/pencil.
Cover your tattoos.
Make sure your shoes are well polishes. This is a very important attribute.
Finally, make sure your carry your dazzling smile along – this could work wonders for you.
/ Dressing Tips for Interview
Dressing Tips for Interview
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