/ NOKIA Phone secret codes
NOKIA Phone secret codes
This Codes Are For Nokia Phones Only.
- Show IMEI Code
If you want to know what's the IMEI code of your phone, press:
- Sim Lock Information
To check if the Sim-Clock can be stopped type:
- Software Version
This code shows you software version, date of manufacture and hardware model number of your phone.
* # 0000 #
- Show Service Menu
To get additional information from your phone you can use the so called "warranty codes", try typing:
You'll get the following
serial number
manufactured date
date of purchase (if entered)
date of the last repair transfer user data (It may wok and it may not)
- Service Provider Lock
The Service provider (SP) lock is used to lock the cell phone to the SP's SIM card. Once the cell phone is locked to a specific operator, if one inserts a SI M card from a different operator the phone will refuse to accept it! The cell phone will however accept another SIM card from the same operator. All Nokia phones (2110 and newer) have four different SIM locks which can be used to lock the phone for upto 4 different providers. But most phones with restriction only have one lock activated. ( lock 1)
The main code used in Nokia phones is:
#pw+(master code)+Y# This code is able to check, activate or remove Sim card restriction (SP-lock).
Use the * key to get the p, + and w characters.
'Y' has to be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending of what lock you what to deal with
#pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status
#pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status (master code) is a 10 digit code, based on the phones IMEI number. (I can NOT give you the master c ode - SO DON'T ASK US FOR IT !!!!!!!)
e.g. To remove restriction on lock 1 type following code: #pw+(master code)+1
If you just want to check your phone use 10 random numbers Eg. 1234567890 as the (master code) eg. To check if phone if restricted on lock 1 type the following code: #pw+1234567890+1#
To get "p" - Press "*" three times
To get "w" - Press "*" four times
To get "+" - Press "*" two times
Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR):
On: Enter *3370# and EFR will be activated after a reboot of the phone
( consumes more power )
Off: Enter #3370# and EFR will be switched off after a reboot of the phone.
Half Rate Codec:
This function is NOT available on 8810
Enhanced Full Rate will give you much better sound quality when you enable it. The new Enhanced Full Rate CODEC adopted by GSM uses the ASELP (AlgebraicCode Excitati on Linear Prediction) compression technology.This technology allows for much great voice quality in the same number of bits as the older Full Rate CODEC. The older technology was called LPC-RPE (Linear Prediction Coding with Regular Pulse Excitation). Both operate at 13 kilobits. (but you take up more space on thenetwork, so they can charge you more) - Talk-time is reduced with about 5% Half Rate will give you bad soundquality, which gives the serviceprovider the to have more calls on the network, and you might get a lower charge from them. - Will give you 30% longer talk-time.
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