Thursday - 20 March, 2025 +91

Mobile Portability (Mobile Number Portability) | MNP

Now the mobile number portability has become very common and is easy with few steps to switch over to another service provider of your choice and convenience. A mobile portability has to be understood properly as choosing the best service provider is bit tricky by getting too many offers from the telecom service providers that confuses you. Know thoroughly the mobile number portability methods and procedures of doing it in 3 simple steps. The common questions about how to change the service providers is answered in detail.

Mobile Portability

What is Mobile Number Portability (MNP)?

You can switch over to another mobile company (mobile service provider) without changing your number. Retain your current mobile number but just change your service to a different company.

Will my technology (CDMA/GSM) be switched?

No, you can remain using the same technology that you are already using. If yours is CDMA, you can switch over to the new service provider without changing to the other technology (GSM). Its vice-versa if you have GSM, stay with GSM and shift to a different service provider.

How many days it will take for mobile portability?

Approximately seven working days up to fifteen working days in some areas

How much is the cost to port my number?

The new service provider will charge you just Rs. 19 and no other costs.

Can I shift to another city?

You can change the service provider but you cannot change to a different telecom circle. For example, if you are under Karnataka telecom circle, you can only change to a different service provider within Karnataka but cannot shift to another state.

How often can I shift the service providers?

Once you do your mobile number portability, one must stay with the current telecom service provider at least for three months time before you would want to change to another service provider.

What is the procedure for Mobile Number Portability?

If you have decided to switch over to another mobile service provider, just type PORT from your mobile and send it to 1900. Wait for a confirmation message with an 8 digit alphanumeric code to your inbox along the expiry date. This code that you have received must be used within the given expiry date or otherwise it will go invalid. However, you can again do the same procedure to get another PORT code.

After receiving the porting code (the alphanumeric message that you got in your inbox) the next step is to approach the new service provider that you have wished for along with address proof and ID proof. Additionally, you need to carry a photograph with unique code (PORT code) and your current mobile number.

Complete this process within the expiry date that came along with the porting code to your inbox. Now the process is complete from your (subscribers) end. The operator will take your request to mobile portability clearing house which will deactivate your number from the existing service provider and will activate the new service provider that you have requested.

After sometime, you will get a SMS from the new service provider with a date and time. On this date and time your phone will be disconnected from the network for awhile or it will be under no service period. This is the time when your mobile portability will actually happen – technically. You will be switched to the new mobile service provider from your existing company.

During this porting period, your mobile will be out of service for a couple of hours between – 12 pm and 5 am. It is not 12 pm to 5 am but anytime between these times the portability will take place after which your number should work with the new service provider with new tariff and other technicalities what the new service providers has for you.

While choosing the service provider that you find to be best, be sure to check and clarify all basic details about the call tariff including so many other basic options that you use it frequently. As said above, you cannot immediately change back to the earlier service provider or to another new service provider soon before 3 months. You must be a subscriber with the service provider for at least three months before doing another mobile number portability.

Tariff and coverage are the major and common criteria for which one will go for mobile portability. See to it carefully about SMS charges too if you are frequent text messaging subscriber. Mobile number portability favors a lot of people by having the huge advantage of retaining the same mobile number for life long without having to change your identity in your friends’ phonebook.


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