Tuesday - 18 March, 2025 +91

How to Find a Cell Phone Number Owner

If you are wondering how to find a cell phone number owner's identity, you have landed on the right page.

You met this amazing girl yesterday in a local bar and managed to impress her enough to get her cell phone number.

The problem is, a day after, thanks to an incredible hangover, you have forgotten her name completely. How do you call her now without knowing her name? That would be incredibly awkward, wouldn't it? One way of remedying the situation is to recall her name somehow or simply run a reverse cell phone lookup! There are many such situations where we land up with people's numbers with no idea about the name and address of the owner. In such a case, it helps if you know how to find a cell phone number owner's identity and address. In this article, I'll provide you with some leads on how to run a reverse phone lookup on the Internet.

Pinning down a cell phone number to a name shouldn't be that difficult but it actually is, because of the fact that cell phone numbers are not listed in public directories. This is not the case with landline numbers, which are generally listed. You can even run a free reverse phone lookup with Google, in case it's a landline number. However, running a free reverse cell phone lookup is quite difficult and don't fall for sites that claim to offer this service for free. To put in simply, free reverse cell phone lookup is a myth. In the next section, I'll underline some strategies on how to find a cell phone number owner.

How to Find a Cell Phone Number Owner's Identity & Address

Cell phone companies do not list the numbers of their customers in a directory to protect privacy. However, this does not mean that finding cell phone number owners is impossible. It's quite possible with resources available on the Internet, if you only know where to look and are ready to pay a small fee for the service. One such site is 'Freephonetracer'.

Search for Reverse Phone Lookup Sites
Just search for reverse phone lookup sites on the Google search engine. You will get many search results of sites that offer reverse phone lookup with name and address. Click on any of the results and you will find a homepage opening in front of you with an entry box, where you enter the number you want to reverse lookup. This is the most obvious first step of this short explanation on how to find a cell phone number owner's identity.

Enter Phone Number and Pay Up
Once you enter the cell phone number correctly, hit the search button next to it. The site will scan its database for entries matching your query. Then information about carrier company name and the town in which the owner is traced to, will be displayed. To get the full address and name of the cell phone number owner, you will be asked to choose payment options. Most sites offer a one time yearly membership fee or a one time fee for the service. Once you pay up and complete the financial transaction, the job at your end is done. They usually charge $20 to $30 fee for yearly membership and about $8 to $10 as one time fee.

Get Information Mailed To Your Account
Once you pay the site, after providing your contact details, you are mailed the detailed information, that includes the full name and address of the owner. In case of blank callers or phone stalkers, this service can be really useful. Finding the owner of a cell phone number was never so easy.

These were some simple tips on how to find a cell phone number owner's identity and address. If you are ready to pay up, you can get the requisite information in a matter of minutes. However, don't be misguided by sites which claim to offer reverse phone lookup free with name. Your attempts at locating free reverse cell phone lookup with name will be futile as there are no sites offering such precious information for free. On the Internet, private information like this is a much coveted possession and therefore it's a commodity that is sold for a price. Though you will have to pay up, you are also guaranteed accurate information, which is all that matters.


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