The advantage of getting directly into the CA course after your +2 (higher secondary pass) is that the years are being saved in addition to maximum practical experiences. If you are ambitious about becoming a CA the following information will be useful to give a kick to a wonderful career. If you take up this course, you don’t have to walk up and down to any college. Occasionally you can get hints and tips or suggestions from any good organization while you are doing this course. As this course can be done from home you have a the special advantage of working with any good auditor or an auditing firm to gain practical experience that you are gaining during learning period itself. Even after successful completion of this course, you can plan out your work as per your convenience from home or a home office.
In the first phase of CPT entrance test the sufficient cut-off mark is 50%. Second, it is Integrated Professional Competence Course which is the inter stage. This examination consists of 7 papers – and this exam can be divided into two phases consisting 4 and 3 papers in each. Apart from these there are 100 hours of information technology training which includes 35 hours of orientation training.
After the inter, you will have to get practical training from a senior auditor which is called as “Articleship Training”. Now, you can write the final exam either, six months before articleship training gets over or nine months after you have joined the course. The final exam is held in two groups consisting four papers each, that is 8 papers altogether.
In case for reasons like job or marriage if you are not able to write the exams on time you can still perform as account technician with the inter qualification that you already posses. This will ensure you an employment with a pay of approximately Rs. 20,000 per month. You can appear for the final exams at your convenience and be a professional auditor with which you will have the possibility to begin your monthly income from Rs. 40,000 per month.
To know more about CA course details to become a Chartered Accountant – visit the website to collect details like exams, subjects, branches and addresses of ICAI, scholarship details etc. and more.
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