Thursday - 20 March, 2025 +91

Google Search Techniques

Millions of peoples search Google everyday. When anything comes in mind, Google is the best place to handle it. From education, research, learning, movies, and everything to solve your problems, the first place is to search google or other search engines.

But when people search on google, you may find irrelevant information. So there are several ways to find actual information.

These are listed below.

1. Search from specific website.

Suppose you want to find some information on a website. Then just type the following query in the Google search box.



2. Search for specific file

If you want to search for certain file types and not the simple html pages on a website. Then write the following query.

filetype:file_extension keyword/phrase.

Suppose you want to search for PowerPoint presentation on PHP, then just write as

filetype: ppt php.

3. Calculator:

You can use google as a calculator. Use the +, -, *, / symbols and parentheses to do a equation and google will give you output of that equation.

For example

write 2+2 in google search you will see output as 2+2=4.

4. Unit converter

Use Google for unit conversion, from yards to meters for example, or different currency: 12 meters in yards

5. Search on the location of websites

Use the following queries in the google search box.

inurl:keyword in searching url.

intitle:keyword to search in title.

intext:keyword to search in text.

inanchor to search in anchor or urls

6. Cached pages

Looking for a version of a page the Google stores on its own servers? This can help with outdated or update pages. Use the "cached:" operator.

7. Definitions

Use “define” operator to find the definition of a word. You can write query as:

Define: keyword

8. Look the index of a website.

search box intitle:index.of or we can use intitle:index.of “Parent Directory”.


9. Google Proxy

Use Google Translate service as proxy server. Use ( as a proxy server to visit a website or translate the contents of the website or URLs without leaving any footprints.

10. Online Devices

Google helps in locating the web cameras and online devices. For example, if you want to locate AXIS Network cameras then you can apply the search phrase inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis to find online AXIS cameras. Here is another example: to locate online Linksys network storage with the GigaDrive Utility, you can use the search phrase intitle:"GigaDrive Utility" in the Google Search box.


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