Tuesday - 18 March, 2025 +91

Durga Devi

Durga devi is widely revered as a manifestation of the Universal Mother Parvathi Devi. According to Hindu legend, an asura (evil entity) named Mahishasura did severe penance to make Lord brahma appear before him. After several years, Lord Brahma appeared and the asura asked for a boon of immortality. Lord Brahma answered "anthing that is born has to die , it is the rule of the universe and even i cannot change it". So the asura thought for a while and then modified his request and said , "then give me a boon that i should never be killed at the hands of a male". Mahishasura said so in the belief that no women would be strong enough to ever hurt him. Thus being effectively immortal, he set about reigning chaos over the three worlds and killed mercilessly.

The demigods could not bear mahishasura's terror anymore and hence prayed to devi parvathi to help them. Devi parvathi manifested herself in the form of Durga Devi, an incarnation that was mighty and had weapons contributed by all the major gods. Thus, Devi dirga engaged in battle with Mahishasura and then killed him eventually. The Hindu festival of Navratri/Durga Pooja is celebrated in remembrance of Devi Durga's Manifestation to help her devotees.

Simple Durga Devi Pooja Slokas & Rituals
To perform a simple Durga Pooja, first pay respect to Lord Ganesha and Lord dakshinamoorthy with the slokas given in the Navratri/Durga Pooja capsule below. Then Sit in front of A durga Devi idol/photo. Use appropriate flowers (like jasmine, holy basil,hibiscus) and shower on Durga devi's photo/idol after each chanting of the slokas. chant the following slokas in the times provided before each sloka. repeat each Durga Devi Sloka 21 times. Light camphor after each session of the sloka chanting.

Morning (Sunrise)

Om Saraswathi namasthubhyum varadhe kamaruupinniVidhyarumbum karishyami sidhirbhavathu mey sadha
Om Mahishvari mahakali mahagrasa hamashaniAparna chandika chandamundasura nishudini


Om Yaa devi sarvabhuteshuu Vishnu maayethi sabdithaNamastasyai namstasyai namstasyai namo namaha

Evening (Sunset)

Om Shree mata shree maha rangyi shreematsinha saneshvareeChidagni kunda sanbhuta deva karya samudyata
Om Anyatha sharanam nasthi thwameva sharanam mamaThasmaal Karunyabhavena raksha raksha maheswari

Night (Before 9pm)

Om Sindhuraruna vigrahaam thrinayanaam manikyamaoli spharatTaranayaka shekharam smithamukheem aapinavakshoruhamPanibhyam alipurnaratna chashakam raktotpalam bibhratimSaumyam ratna ghatasdha raktacharanamDhyayetparamanbikam

Repeat this ritualistic process for three continuous days. It is advisable to start the pooja on a friday or tuesday morning. If done with devotion, Durga Devi will definitely bless you with success,health,fame,wealth and happiness.

Navratri/Durga Pooja Procedure
After having bath in the evening (around sunset time), it is important to light a lamp in front of a photo of Devi durga. It is preferred to keep the lamp lit till the final day, hence make appropriate arrangements of thread and oil.
Then place a piece of wood or a little table in front of the photo. Keep a piece of cloth on the table.
Now we have to place all items related to our profession/education on this piece of cloth. These items include any textbooks, instruments, tools, machines, etc. that we may use in our daily life. This can also include paper, pens and devotional books. Now tie this piece of cloth such that the items are fully covered.
Now we shall start the puja process.
It is part of Hindu practice to always pay respect to lord Ganesha and guru before any ritual. Firstly invoke Lord Ganesha using the following sloka, since he is the remover of all obstacles and is in charge of wisdom. If any flowers are available then chant the sloka while holding a flower in your right hand. After the sloka, place the flower on the books.

Vakratunda mahakayaKodi soorya samaprabhaNirvighnam kurume devaSarvakaryesht sarvadha
Now we have to pay our respect to Lord Dakshinamoorthy, the universal guru. Lord dakshinamoorthy is another incarnation of Lord Shiva as the epitome of all knowledge. Use the following sloka to invoke lord Dakshinamoorthy and then place a flower on the books.
Gurur Brahma, Gurur VishnuGurur Devo MaheswaraGuru sakshath parabrahmaTasme Shri Dakshinamoorthaye namah
The puja of Durga devi should start with a simple sloka to meditate and invoke her infinite power. Place a few flowers on the cloth after chanting the following sloka 7 times.
Sarava mangala maangalyeShive sarvartha saadhikeSharannye trayambake gowriNarayani namosthuthe
It is important to pray to Devi Durga with utmost sincerity during the pooja. There is no need to pray for any specific need or wish, since the presence of Devi Durga will remove all misfortune and fulfil all your wishes.
Chant the slokas in the General Durga Devi Pooja Slokas capsule on each day and light camphor.


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