Thursday - 20 March, 2025 +91

10 Tips to Browse Safely on Web

The importance of Internet Security is heard by most of the PC users but actually taken care by few of them. Safety while browsing sites on the web is very important. When I talk about Internet Security it reminds me of famous old saying ‘Prevention is better than cure’ also applies here better be prevented rather than been attacked by virus,

trojans and scammers and run in trouble. So its require that you take safe techniques to prevent your pc from being hacked or served with trojans.

Following are the steps to ensure that you stay away from the harmful content on the web. I have summed up all together points.

1. Beside have antivirus protections its better to have a software dedicated for internet security. Few such programs are Kaspersky Total Internet security and Norton Internet Security which not only comes for Antivirus but offers spyware protections too. These security tools to keep you away from viruses, spyware, worms, phishing, Online identity thefts, cybercriminals, dangerous downloads, infected websites. This will cost you few dollars but will ensure your pc is safeguarded from virus as well as internet protection.

2. So everyone knows that you can earn money online and since you know you must be searching out for the content online. Be away from frauds like – ‘Decrease your weights in 10 minutes’, ‘become millionaire over night’ and other such things which looks like supernatural. I believe that ‘things which are above the normal level are always scam or fraud method’, to I stay away from those. This is the most easiest ways to get yourself into trouble, which may lead to unsecure payment or unsecure downloads.
3. Its better to keep your personal information limited to certain access on the web. Make sure what is necessary and what is not and proceed accordingly.

4. Try to keep your email ID secure and provide where ever its essential. Once caught it will be added to. I receive at least 100 such Phishing mails, scam mails daily to my Gmail inbox but thanks to Gmail that I never look at that folder since it delete them after 1 month automatically.

5. Try to memorize your password or Login credentials instead of letting your browser to remember password and login details. If browsing from internet cafe or shared computers or college PC’s then ‘Remember my password’ is strict No No.

6. Try to avoid or its better not to open adult sites, porn sites on your computer browser. Its found that searching for keygens, key finder, cracks and serial keys also injects virus. Most complaints from people comes because of them since they inject malware to your pc if you don’t have a latest updated antivirus.

7. Its better to disable cookies on your browser and if wanted you can enable it by visiting your trusted sites. Google AdWords generally places cookies on your browser but they doesn’t poses any risk.
8. Always block pop-ups windows on your browser. Firefox had Ad Block plus for blocking pop-ups. It’s shocking that Indian’s official railways portal pop-ups at least 2 ads when clicked on any page and this is one of the largest access portal for train information. I noted that it makes Rs 10 crore’s from all advertising networks. So security hear is also important.

9. Never download/install untrustworthy software’s and make sure you download them from trusted and official sites.

10. Never open or visit pages which distribute harmful software’s and also this might steal private information or might damage your system.


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