Tuesday - 18 March, 2025 +91

SBI Mobile Banking via WAP

The best and most reliable way to avail State Bank of India(SBI) Mobile Banking service is via WAP. It provides good security features as compared to banking via Mobile application.

The registration procedure is same as mobile banking via application. Here you don’t need to download any application. But your mobile should support GPRS facility to avail this facility. No need of Java support because here you are not installing any application.
The benefit in this service is in order to login you have to enter UserId and MPIN as like other application. Here you have to enter WAP Login ID also which is sent to your mobile. This provides you added security for your online transaction. Because even though if some body knows your userID and MPIN they cannot login without WAP LoginID.
Registration process for SBI Mobile Banking via WAP:
  1. Register over mobile by sending an SMS as MBSREG to 567676. Premium charges will apply for sending SMS.You will get a User ID and default MPIN to operate your mobile banking.
  2. Now Change the MPIN by following steps
    1. Open the browser of the mobile phone
    2. Enter the following address: http://mobile.prepaidsbi.com/sbiwap/
    3. A screen will be displayed asking for Login id and Pin.
    4. Enter the User ID and the default MPIN in the respective fields.
    5. The next screen will ask for WAP login id which will be received over SMS.
    6. Enter this WAP login id in the browser screen. If the mobile phone does not facilitate accessing the Inbox while using another screen, the user will have to exit the browser and then open the inbox to access the SMS having the WAP LoginID. The user will open the browser again and follow the procedure detailed above to enter the Login id and default MPIN. The next screen will ask for WAP Login id. Enter the number received over SMS.
    7. If details entered are correct, the next screen with the Main Menu of the Mobile Banking Service will be displayed.
    8. Change the default MPIN by selecting “Settings” from Main Menu and choosing “Change MPIN”. The default MPIN has to be entered in the “old MPIN” and a new MPIN of your choice (6 digits) in the “new MPIN” which has to be confirmed by entering the new MPIN once again in “Confirm new MPIN” and submit. Confirmation regarding successful change in MPIN and validation will be received over SMS and also displayed on the screen.
  3. After you have changed the MPIN successfully, you will get another message: Validation from handset successful. Please complete registration at the ATM/ Branch.
  4. Now at the ATM, after swiping the Debit Card, please choose the option ‘Mobile Registration’ and then select “Mobile Banking”. Under Mobile Banking, choose the option ‘Registration’, enter your mobile number and choose “Yes”. When the number is displayed again over the ATM screen, choose “confirm” and collect the transaction slip confirming the registration which reads out a message as Mobile Registration Successful.
  5. You will receive a SMS regarding activation of your account. You can then use all the services offered under the Mobile Banking Services.
For any queries regarding this service, contact SBI toll free numbers 1800 11 22 11 or 1800 425 3800.


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