
Balika Samridhi Yojana for Indian Girl children-Scholarship

The recast Balika Samridhi Yojana will be a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme to extend 100% central assistance to States/Union Territories to provide benefits under the Scheme in accordance with the norms, guidelines and conditions laid down by the Central Government.

Objectives of the Program: • To change negative family and community attitudes towards the girl child at birth and towards her mother.
• To improve enrolment and retention of girl children in schools.
• To rise the age at marriage of girls.
• To assist the girl to undertake income generating activities.
Components of the Balika Samridhi Yojana:
The girl children eligible under BSY will be entitled to the following benefits:
A post-birth grant amount of Rs.500/-.
When the girl child born on or after 15/8/1997 and covered under BSY starts attending the school, she will become entitled to annual scholarships as under for each successfully completed year of schooling:-
Class  Amount of Annual Scholarship
I-III   Rs.300/- per annum for each class
IV  Rs.500/- per annum
V  Rs.600/- per annum
VI-VII  Rs.700/- per annum for each class
VIII  Rs.800/- per annum
IX-X  Rs.1, 000/- per annum for each class
This scheme is intended to increase the status of the girl child in India. It provides financial support to encourage girls to attend schools. Girls born after the 15th of August 1997 to families living below the poverty line are eligible for this scheme.
A maximum of two daughters in a family can benefit from this scheme.
The scheme will pay annual scholarships into the girl’s account, starting at Rs.300 (when the girl is in Class 1) and reaching Rs.1, 000 when the girl is in Class 10.
The girl will receive the money when she is 18 years old, provided she is not yet married.
How to Apply: Contact the Gram Panchayat which you belongs to


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