“Well today was the future of Tom is the life in Germany” Does this line make any sense? Isn’t it missing something? Absolutely yes! The most elementary rules of grammar are absent from this sentence. When you discuss grammar, one of the phrases that you are most likely to get acquainted with is ‘useless, boring rules that were forced to learn in school’. However, know that the rules are far from being useless, leave alone being boring. Grammar forms the basic backbone of any language, both when it comes to speaking or writing a language. What most people do not understand is that without grammar, language makes no sense, just like the sentence given above.
With the proliferation of American English as the global standard, true English has actually lost out on many of its finer nuances. The American dialect uses a much easier and less stressed format of English speaking and the usage of grammar is different too. Grammar does not only include rules for usage of proper tenses and proper sentence construction, but it also deals with punctuation and usage of correct words too. Without grammar, any language will be totally coarse and ugly to deal with, not to mention that the language would eventually become completely illegible and nonsense. In the following lines, we have tried to sum up some of the factors that state the importance or significance of grammar in language.
Significance Of Grammar In Language
To Maintain Uniformity
If everyone starts using language as per his/her own whims and fancies, then the language will have too many variations. It will give language an ambiguity and vagueness. More than that, we would have miscommunications and communication problems, as no one language would be accepted as a universal standard.
To Be Legible
If the language doesn’t make sense, it will not work. An improperly constructed sentence may not communicate the intended information to the listener or reader. Use of wrong words or mismatched punctuation can actually change the entire meaning of the sentence, thereby leading to miscommunication. You need to understand that the end purpose of grammar is communication of thoughts and ideas through language. If you are not understood, then the whole point of communication is lost. Imagine you going to a distant land and using a dictionary of local language to talk. You may pick the right words but the way you put them together can be really funny or even dangerous.
To Sound Good & Interesting
A grammatically sound piece of prose or verse sounds good and interesting. When you are talking or writing something without proper grammar, it actually makes the recipient disinterested. For the language to have a flow and seem interesting, it is very necessary to abide by the rules of grammar in the sentences. The communication becomes ineffective, if the other person is disinterested in what you are putting forth.
Language used in business and professional speaking and documents should be free from any grammatical error, as the whole responsibility of pushing deals through and effective interrelated work is dependent on these documents and discussions. Any small error in transfer of data, any hint of force in a request or any touch of irreverence in a request can spoil the entire correspondence and cause major loss to you and your company. These kinds of mistakes are not uncommon in the wake of grammatical errors.
To Break It & Make It
This is strictly for people who do literary work. Many a times you deliberately tend to write something which is grammatically incorrect, just to stretch a point or show some relevant difference. In case your writing contains numerous grammatical errors already, such a ploy will not succeed as it will just look like another mistake!
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